
PowerShell Cmdlets and .Net Libraries for Google Apps and Gmail APIs

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Welcome to gShell!

What is gShell?

gShell is a project that primarily aims to make all Google APIs available through Microsoft PowerShell, starting with the Administrative APIs. As a result, gShell also provides dotNet developers with a framework to ease the burden of authenticating and calling on the APIs in dotNet.

PowerShell Cmdlets for Google APIs

gShell is a toolset that is here to help you access and manage information from your Google Apps domain through Windows PowerShell. The goal is to be the only set of Cmdlets you'll need to use the Google APIs in PowerShell, though it's a long road.

Check out the Getting Started page to get going, or hop over to Downloads if you want to dive in with the installer. If you want to see what's new, check out the News page!

Please keep an eye on the documentation here in the Wiki for what is available; this is a work in progress done in my spare time so things are added irregularly but as frequently as possible.

Finally, I'm always open to adding something new, so if there is a particular API that you want to use that I don't have yet, let me know!

Quick Examples

The idea of gShell is to allow you quick and easy access to your Google Apps domain. Down the road, I hope to expand it to include additional Google APIs that can be used with ANY Google-based account. Check out some of the following examples to see how this can be helpful to you, once you get past the quick setup.

First, you can grab a user from your domain and get it back as a GAUser object:

PS C:\> Get-GAUser BMcGee

GivenName     : Bobby
FamilyName    : McGee
PrimaryEmail  :
Aliases       : {,}
Suspended     : False
OrgUnitPath   : /
LastLoginTime : 2013-10-25T05:10:40.000Z

Or, you can elect to get all users in the domain and throw them in a variable, perhaps to compare against your AD Environment:

PS C:\> $AllUsers = Get-GAUser -all

PS C:\> $AllUsers.Count


Better yet, perhaps you need to get a list of all users in all groups in the domain...

PS C:\> $AllGroups = Get-GAGroup -All -Members -Owners
#A progress bar will show up for this, since it's potentially a long wait

PS C:\> $AllGroups.Count


...or you want to find all members of all groups, and throw that in a list for easy export to CSV Got that covered:

PS C:\> $AllMembers = (Get-GAGroupMember -All).ToSingleList()

PS C:\> $AllMembers[0]

Email :
ETag  : ""
Id    : 123456789123456789123
Kind  : admin#directory#member
Role  : MEMBER
Type  : USER
Group :

PS C:\> $AllMembers | Export-Csv -Path "C:\AllGroupMemberships.csv" -NoTypeInformation

PS C:\> (Get-Content "C:\AllDomainGroupMemberships.csv")[0..1]
#Let's look directly at the CSV file...


This is the tip of the iceberg of what's possible and what's available. If you need help or have questions, requests or you found a bug, drop a line in the discussion group.

Stay tuned, and please reach out if you have any questions, concerns or requests.